For the purposes of the stipulations of Organic Law 15 enacted on December 13th 1999 regarding Personal Data Protection, Malsamamind SL. with CIF B65991614, does hereby inform the User that it is the owner of the personal data files registered with the R.G.P.D. (General Data Protection Register) in which its data are included and processed with a view to providing it with the services requested and sending it information about our company which may be in its interest.

Sending and logging of personal data

The sending of personal data is mandatory to contact and receive information about the services rendered by Malsamamind SL.. Furthermore, failing to provide the personal data requested or failure to accept the present data protection policy means that it will not be possible to subscribe to, register or receive information about said services.

Pursuant to the stipulations of Organic Law 15 enacted on December 13th 1999 regarding Personal Data Protection, we do hereby inform you that any personal data obtained as a result of your sending personal data, shall be included in a file owned by Malsamamind SL. whose address is: Rambla Vayreda, 71, 2º1º. Gava, Barcelona CP: 08850, having implemented all the security measures set out in Royal Decree 1720/2007.

Accuracy and truthfulness of the data provided.

Any User who sends information to Malsamamind SL. is the sole party responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the data included, releasing Malsamamind SL. from any liability in this regard.

The users guarantee and are liable, in any case, for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided and they undertake to keep it duly up-to-date. The user agrees to provide complete, correct information on the registration or subscription form.

Malsamamind SL. is not liable for the truthfulness of any information which it has not drafted itself and with regard to which another source has been indicated and so neither does it assume any liability for any hypothetical losses which could have been brought about by the use of said information. Malsamamind SL. is released from any liability for any damage or loss that the User may suffer as a result of any errors, defects or omissions in the information provided by Malsamamind SL. provided that it derives from sources other than Malsamamind SL.

Assignment of data to third parties

Malsamamind SL. shall not assign any personal data to third parties. Notwithstanding, in the event it is assigned to a third party, prior information would be drawn up requesting the specific consent of the party concerned under Article 6 LOPD.

Exercising of rights of access, rectification, cancellation and objection

You may address your communications and exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and objection by post at Rambla Vayreda, 71 2º1º, Gava 08850 Gava. or to the e-mail: along with valid legal proof as well as a photocopy of your D.N.I. (ID Card) and in the subject stating “DATA PROTECTION”.

Acceptance and Consent

The User declares it has been informed about the terms of Personal Data Protection, agreeing and consenting to the processing thereof by Malsamamind SL. in the manner and for the purposes indicated in the present Personal Data Protection Policy.


Malsamamind SL. reserves the right to modify the present policy to adapt it to any new legislative or case law aspects as well as the practices of the industry. In said eventualities, Malsamamind SL. shall announce on this page any changes made, giving reasonable notice of their putting into effect.